Clinical Substance Abuse Treatment in Somerville, NJ
Overcoming a substance abuse problem is not an easy task. It is a journey full of pitfalls that should not be faced alone. Having a trusted and experienced advisor by your side to provide the counseling services that you require goes a long way toward helping you find wellness. By taking advantage of counseling, you get a road map to reclaiming your life and wellbeing while also addressing the root causes of your addiction.
The trained professionals of Somerset Treatment Services offer core services that include substance use disorder assessments, individual counseling, group therapy, and substance abuse treatment in Somerville, NJ. Learn more about the services of our rehabilitation center.
counseling services that we provide are beneficial for a focused one-on-one approach and when combined with group sessions this treatment helps you see an overall view of your issue.
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Drug addiction counseling is one part of getting yourself well. It takes care of the mental aspects, but sometimes more support is needed, and that’s where medical interventions also come into play. They help your body fight off the physical cravings and need that often accompany addiction.
Our professionals assist clients with addressing their addiction to opiates through evidence-based treatment options. The following programs can help you recover from a dependency on heroin or other narcotic drugs:
Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) — This is a medically driven, hospital-based program that serves opiate-addicted clients on an outpatient basis. Treatment includes medication with methadone and counseling offered at various levels of intensity, according to the identified needs of the client. Laboratory testing, including free Hepatitis C and HIV testing, are included in these services.
Buprenorphine (Suboxone) Treatment — This medically driven program offers an alternative response to the needs of the opiate-addicted client. Counseling and other services are also included with our suboxone treatment.
Combining counseling services with medication is a proven approach to overcoming addiction. It is an all-encompassing way to deal with every aspect of a substance abuse problem. It allows you to physically, emotionally, and psychologically gain control of your situation while moving toward wellness.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)
Individuals who are battling addictions sometimes need inpatient care, but others benefit through being treated while staying in their comfort zones. Outpatient care is also a good tool for helping people as a follow-up to inpatient sessions.
When you are battling substance addiction, you need as much support as possible. One of the most effective ways to do this is by remaining at home, so family and friends surround and support you and your routine is not disrupted to a significant extent. That is the value of outpatient programs.
Somerset Treatment Services offers three distinct IOP programs, which provide nine hours of substance use disorder treatment per week. These include educational and therapeutic groups and individual counseling sessions. Our programs include:
Pathways to Parenting — This is an intensive program for women who are DCP&P involved or at risk of DCP&P-involvement. Gender-specific groups are provided, including parenting groups. Childcare is provided as needed.
Intensive Outpatient Program — Open to anyone in need of more intensive treatment, this program may follow residential or detoxification services, but it is not required to follow that level of care.
Methadone Intensive Outpatient Program (MIOP) — MIOP responds to the unique needs of the opiate-addicted population. The groups are based upon standardized tools proven to be effective and appropriate for this population.